
May 25–30 June, 2024
  • EXPO
  • PLAY
  • Alt.Ctrl

What do we know about the functioning of the electronic devices we use everyday, the computers, the screens, the kitchen multifunction robots…? In this exhibition the artists opened up the machines, looked inside the hardware, disrupted interfaces, reinvented control mechanisms and played with all the buttons. And they invite you to do the same.

Ctrl.Bending is an exhibition where what you see on the screen can not be separated from the screen itself, together they form a dynamic sculpture. The objects and knobs controlling the interactions are questioning their own functions. Water even, the element that should not come too close to electronics, finds its place inside the device.

Ctrl.Bending is part of Sickhouse's year research “Radical-Joy-Resistance“ leading to The Overkill festival happening from 20 to 24 November in Enschede.

In this research Sickhouse and The Overkill follow up on the last years explorations through multi-sensory experiences, digital healing, role play and engagement within playful art practices. These research are the base to motivate and support challenging discussions within the violent societal contexts that multiply. Sickhouse believes silliness and humour have a role to play in the ways we find courage. This year Sickhouse and The Overkill present and work with artists using Joy as a means of resistance, pleasure as an empowering tool and desire or derive as disruptive behaviours.

Ctrl.Bending presents
Bearwarp - Silvia Binda Heiserova - Emilie Breslavetz - Leon Denise - Dorian Rigal - Vincent Schoutsen - Wouter van Veldhoven - Tijmen Zonnevijlle

Ctrl.Bending is curated by Marie Janin & Aike Lütkemöller and produced by Sickhouse.