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Saxion-CMGT new multiplayer games reflecting on activism

From 20 to 23 of June, 3 groups of Saxion CMGT students presented their new games at Sickhoes. Inspired by the theme of The Overkill 2024 " Radical Joy Resistance" the groups had to create a multiplayer from scratch.

The three groups took very different approaches to what multiplayers can be and the results were very fun!

Team Spectrum Spectacle build a game where 2 players have to share a keyboard and run out of a boring, dark office! There is no way out but with the help of the other player until you find the outside world together!

Team CTA associated colour meanings to different activistic convincing tactics. You could choose your character and find out the best way to spread your arguments! Sometimes staying still also pays off !

Team Chaotic detectives hacked a telephone to transform it into a controller. Looking for Ilvy in a small American town, your way of playing left a trace for the next players!

Very proud of the works presented and super happy to work with such enthusiastic students we are very excited to present the finale versions of these games at The Overkill festival coming up in November!